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The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification


PEFC is the biggest organization dealing with forestry certification.
International, non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to promote sustainable silviculture.
PEFC is also a system chosen by small forest owners, whose forests are the property of common land or that belong to the family.
Up until now over 15,000 companies were granted the PEFC Supply Chain certificate, offering hundred of thousands certified products world wide.
Despite other alternative forestry certification available, there are reasons for which so many people decide to use the PEFC system. High standards of the PEFC meet the requirements concerning:

  • Securing forest areas significant from the ecological point of view
  • Protection and enrichment of biological diversity
  • Lack of consent to change forests into other forms of temporary usage
  • Ban on using harmful chemical substances
  • Ban on introducing genetically modified wood species
  • Respecting the labour rights and the rights of indigenous people
  • Supporting the local labour market
  • Compliance with basic conventions of International Labour Organization
  • Ensures consulting with local citizens and stakeholders
  • Respecting traditional land use rights and local customs and traditions